Bonny Silver — bonny silver

How do I stop my socks from smelling? What socks are best for smelly feet?

How do I stop my socks from smelling? What socks are best for smelly feet?

Our feet have hundreds of sweat glands which produce sweat to cool our toes. When this sweat is trapped and there is no way for ventilation, it starts stinking. Coming back home after work or changing shoes in the gym can be challenging. Visiting a friend who do not allow shoes to save the floor and the expensive rug, removing shoes can be embarrassing. At the end of the day when you start relaxing by freeing your feet from the trapping boots, you do not want the stinking smell. There are some quick fixes to get rid of bad odour...

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Bonny Silver
Bad Foot Odor - What is it, how to prevent it, and how Bonny Silver can help.

Bad Foot Odor - What is it, how to prevent it, and how Bonny Silver can help.

Bad foot odor. We have all suffered with it at one point or another. It’s embarrassing - no one wants to take their shoes off around other people if their feet smell! Today we are here to talk about bad foot odor. What exactly is bad foot odor? How can we prevent it? And how is Bonny Silver the perfect solution to your problem? What causes bad foot odor? Believe it or not, the problem is not our feet. The problem is what we put on our feet. Each human foot contains 250,000 sweat glands. Each of these 250,000 sweat...

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Bonny Silver
What Are The Best Socks For Athletes Foot?

What Are The Best Socks For Athletes Foot?

Athlete’s foot sucks, there’s just no getting around that fact. All of that burning and itching that you feel is not only really distracting, but it seems to agonizingly last such a long time too. No matter how many times you apply powders, or creams or just wash your feet, in general, it just feels like it remains there, itching and feeling like it's eating away at your entire foot till you can’t stand it and you need to scratch or you’ll go mad. The worst part is when it comes to socks. It’s not like you can’t just forgo...

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